Pinwheels for a Purpose
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Pinwheels for a Purpose
What if I told you that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 7 boys will be sexually abused by age 18…
Pinwheels for a Purpose is an awareness campaign kicked off during April Child Abuse Prevention Month to bring light to the topic of child sexual and physical abuse. The Child Advocacy Center of Lapeer County and our partners believe we have a responsibility to the community where we live and work. One of the ways we fulfill this responsibility is by investing in the children in the community.
The Power of One Can Make A Difference
While the pinwheel, for the most part, represents fun, the reason for us planting them is serious. Each pinwheel in our garden represents a child who has been forensically interviewed at the Child Advocacy Center of Lapeer County over the last 13 years as a result of child sexual/physical abuse.
It starts with ONE; one person to be their hope, one person to be their voice, and one person to be their hero. The impact of your generosity – seeing a victimized child being to heal in the safety and comfort of the Child Advocacy Center of Lapeer County is priceless.