
Emily Sznitka

Secondary Trauma: How it Impacts the Human Service Field

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is classified as a condition of persistent mental and emotional stress as a result of an injury or severe psychological shock. The person experiencing PTSD typically recalls the event in vivid recall, and often even has dreams replaying the event over again…

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Emily Sznitka

Holiday Blues

The holidays can be a magical and exciting time for children as family get-togethers begin, receiving presents, and making memories with loved ones. However, for others, it can be a particularly blue time of the year as holidays can bring feelings of sadness, anxiousness, and loss…

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Emily Sznitka

Tinder and Risk to Youth

Tinder is basically a free dating app that matches people based off of several different factors. These include age, location and mutual friends and interests. If you come across a person you’re interested in, you swipe right. Until june of 2016, Tinder’s age requirement was only 13+. Since then, they have changed it to 18+….

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Emily Sznitka

Trauma-Informed Schools

As a new school year begins, it is important for school administrators, teachers, and staff to be aware of the number of students who are impacted by trauma. As adolescents and teens spend the majority of their time within their schools throughout the year, school personnel are at the front line of recognizing the symptoms of trauma in their students…

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