October is safe sleep awareness month and it is very important for all caregivers of young children to learn about what exactly safe sleep is. An article from Reuters states, many parents do not follow safe sleep practices, but from the help of doctors they are 28% more likely to put their babies to sleep the safest way. It is helpful to them when the doctors clearly tell them what to do and what to avoid. The American Academy of Pediatrics says a baby’s sleep environment plays a direct role in their safety, so much that unsafe sleep positions and conditions are found to be the most common reasons in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome cases or infant asphyxiation cases.
The AAP has developed the ABC’s of safe sleep, Alone, Back, and Crib or bassinet.
- Baby should always sleep Alone
- Do not sleep in the same bed as baby.
- The safest space for baby to sleep is the same room as their caregiver.
- You can place crib next to bed.
- Baby should sleep on their Back
- Place baby on their back to sleep and tummy to play.
- Help to prevent flat spots on the head by changing sleep direction daily.
- Baby should always sleep in a Crib
- Use a crib or bassinet that meets current safety standards.
- Provide your baby with a firm sleep surface.
- Keep crib empty.
By following the ABC’s of safe sleep, you are ensuring your babies safety. A majority of new moms do not follow safe sleep practices a study done by the University of Virginia Health System found. The study found that fewer than half of new mothers intended to follow important guidelines for keeping their babies safe while sleeping and then follow though on those intentions. Among the 3,260 surveyed mothers, 59% intended to follow the safe-sleep recommendations, but that number dropped to only 45% in actual practice.
American SPCC. (2019, May 20). Infant Sleep Safety 101 – 5 Mistakes to Avoid. Retrieved September 17, 2020, from https://americanspcc.org/2019/05/20/infant-sleep-safety/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIiLiZp6Tw6wIVjcDACh0XkwjvEAAYASAAEgLjcfD_BwE
Majority of New Moms Don’t Follow Safe Sleep Practices, Study Finds. (2020, February 27). Retrieved September 17, 2020, from https://newsroom.uvahealth.com/2020/02/11/majority-of-new-moms-dont-follow-safe-sleep-practices-study-finds/
Reuters. (2019, October 22). Many parents do not follow safe infant sleep practices. Here’s how doctors can help. Retrieved September 17, 2020, from https://www.nbcnews.com/health/kids-health/many-parents-do-not-follow-safe-infant-sleep-practices-here-n1069966